Health & Safety Philosophy

Our Company is committed to the protection of employees, property, and the public from accidental injury as a result of work carried out by or on behalf of the company, and the company adopts health, safety, and welfare as a fundamental business objective.

In meeting this commitment we will comply with all legislative requirements including ISO45001 our Health & Safety Management System. We take all practicable steps to ensure:

  • That a safe place of work, safe equipment, and proper equipment are provided.
  • That safe work methods are established and practiced at all times.
  • That supervision and training are given to all staff members.
  • That all employees and other persons entering the work site understand and accept their responsibility to promote a safe and healthy place of work.
  • Health and Safety Management on site will be the responsibility of the contract Project Manager or other senior staff member with appropriate training appointed by the General Manager.
  • Employee participation in active job site health and safety is encouraged.
  • Management will encourage early return to work of any injured employee by assisting with rehabilitation and / or temporary change of duties as applicable.
  • There is a management commitment to continuous improvement in all health and safety matters.

Our Health & Safety, Quality and Environmental Certifications

ISO 14001 ISO 9001 ISO 45001